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Parent University

University 1  PU LOGO


What is Parent University? 

“Parent University” is a community collaborative that was initiated by the Babylon School District Shared Decision Making Team in 2017. The collaborative helps parents become full partners in their child’s education. The annual “Parent University” evening events will offer free workshops intended to equip parents with the confidence needed to navigate parenting in a 21st century society.  Additionally, it is the intent that parents will gain new and additional skills, knowledge, and resources through these interactive workshops.

What is the Goal of Parent University? 

The goal of “Parent University” is to empower parents to raise youngsters who are successful in the academic and social settings of school as well as in the greater community. See what others are saying about Parent University here.  


Why Be Involved?

Research has shown that parents can increase a child's academic success through their involvement with schools and communities. Parental involvement improves student morale, attitudes, and academic achievement across all subject areas. 

Save the Date:

“Parent University”
Coming in
Spring 2020!